\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ///// B ///// I ///// G ///// S // U // R // F // vol 3.1 July 1995 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ >>>>>> BIGSURF Netguide <<<<>>>> Fun and Informative places to go! <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pinochle's BIGSURF Netguide is ©1995 by... S. DiRosa ("Pinochle") Please see the final "Copyright and Closing Messages" section for more details concerning the author and information on the publication and distribution of this BIGSURF digital document. This BIGSURF publication whether in Mac application self-viewing document format or plain text format or published and accessible through Internet sites (WWW, FTP, Gopher, etc.) should not be modified in any way unless permission is obtained by the author. I encourage people to share copies of BIGSURF with others but I must also ask that no modified or altered copies be distributed. Please - share BIGSURF with friends and family members to enjoy! BIGSURF is "donation-ware". You may use this document and the information provided freely - but - I hope that many users will hear my plea for needed donations as this is a project that takes a lot of effort and time. I am only asking a meager $5.00 donation to help continue to support the BIGSURF publication effort. You could easily pay a lot more for commercially published site lists and still get far less than what BIGSURF offers... think about it. The specifics and particulars of the donation request and other pertinent info can be found (once again) in the "Copyright and Closing Messages" section of this document. If you are using the Mac application version or an online version that has BIGSURF listed by chapter headings - this information is in the final segment or chapter of the software or text offering. If you are using a plain text version that is formatted as one complete document or a text version accessed through the the Internet that is presented as a single large document then you will find this Copyright and Closing Messages section towards at the end of the BIGSURF Netguide document. Please take the time to read the final Copyright and closing section as it contains important information concerning BIGSURF. I owe thanks to you - the user - for your continued interest and support of the BIGSURF Netguide. Without your help and input this publication wouldn't be possible. Please feel free to write me! Thanks for your support of independent developers and publishers! Make BIGSURF Netguide donations payable to: S. DiRosa the donation requested is $5.00 (US) please send donations to the following postal address (US) ------------------------------------- | ~~~~~ //////// | |~~~~~~ | | | | S.DiRosa | | 232 Talbot Drive | | Broomall, PA 19008 | | | | attn: BIGSURF Netguide | -------------------------------------- email to: sjd@omni.voicenet.com (Pinochle) For users of the Macintosh self-launching document application version: Hint: Use the Find command under the SEARCH menu to quickly search and locate keywords or topics of interest. The search will only work on the opened chapter and is NOT of a global (entire document) nature. As you find URLs or addresses that interest you - you can drag and hilite the text and copy to clipboard and then paste into your Web browser or FTP client (Fetch) or Gopher client. Leave this BIGSURF list running in the background for easy access while surfin'... Surf's Up! Enjoy BIGSURF! For users of the text version of BIGSURF: This document was meant to be viewed in a monospaced font such as Monaco 9 point or Courier 10 point. Please use a font of this type to view BIGSURF as it was formatted with a monospaced font and will not look good if viewed with proportional fonts (such as Times or Garamond). The BIGSURF document can be searched using any text editor or word processor that supports a "Find" command or has a "Find" command within a Menu selection. Put in the keyword(s) that you want to search for under a Find command and away you go. There are also other text searchers available that are themselves not text editors but are specific in use for searching text documents (For Mac there is a great tool called "Search Files v1.3 by Robert Morris). In any case the entire BIGSURF document in plain text format becomes searchable. EDIT II, a text editor for the Mac by Kenneth Seah also offers the capability to search through multiple text files - this is a great feature that is often over-looked in the selection of a text-editor. Of course if you are using a text version of BIGSURF or a textual display of BIGSURF that is presented by displaying each section or chapter separately or is prepared by having each section or chapter as a different document, the entire document will [probably] not be searchable and in most cases and you will have to search each section separately with your text reader/editor or Word Processor. Text search tools designed to search multiple files should not be affected by such segmentation of the BIGSURF Netguide as these search tools are designed to search across multiple files, folders and/or directories. For users of both the plain text version or Mac application version: Each new issue of BIGSURF is inclusive of the previous version so there is no need to save older versions. This inclusive format of BIGSURF will change in the very near future so it is advised that you do save volume 3.1 of BIGSURF for future use. ________________________________________________________________ For users of the new WWW linked version of BIGSURF: Well folks... ease of use is what this is about! Use your web browser and point and click away - have fun! Don't forget - you can use your browser's built in "search" function to search the text that is onscreen for keywords or potential sites of interest. ********************** NO NEED TO WORRY! ********************** *************************************************************** I will always maintain a complete and unified collection of the entire BIGSURF Netguide as one complete and inclusive document and this will always be available to those who request it using email responses and replies. At this time I cannot afford to mail via postal route actual floppy disk copies and requests for the BIGSURF compilation can only be sent electronically in application format or plain text version. Let me know which format of BIGSURF you'd like me to send (Mac application or plain text file). Please let me know if your emailer accepts attached files or what type of computer you have. This lets me know the best way to format the document and which compression scheme and/or ASCII encoding format to use when sending through email. For instance - PC users will get a BIGSURF.ZIP (UUencoded) Mac users will get a BIGSURF.SEA archive - Unix users will receive a BIGSURF.TAR (UUencoded) and so on. Of course if you let me know which way is best for you I will always make a concerted effort to accomodate your specific needs. I always answer my email so don't hesitate to write! I do ask that before I am swamped with email requests to send copies of BIGSURF that you (at least) make an attempt to download and obtain the BIGSURF Netguide using the access sites listed below. I honestly can't see a reason to send a request for a copy unless your access to the Internet is limited to email only and in that case - this guide would have little value to you. Oh well... as I said... I am available for requests... Note: the FTP sites contain the Mac application version only. The Gopher site maintains sorted text and application versions. In order to keep BIGSURF down to a manageable size - site listings that I feel are redundant have been omitted. For example: I could list ten sites that each have slightly different bits of information but are all inter-related and have links or pointers to each other. Rather than listing all ten sites I have listed one or two of the main sites and realize that if you follow the links or pointers to further information on the subject or topic that you will eventually get to these other sites. The Internet (as a whole) is truly one huge "web" of information and as your travels expand so will your knowledge of where things are located and how to find what you wish to know. In any case... If you can "surf" your way through this list and not get lost then surfing the 'net will be a minor challenge. - Pinochle. *************************************************************************** New gopher site for BIGSURF! BIGSURF online gopher site at UTA gopher://gopher.uta.edu:70/11/.computing/.acs/.microsys/.mac/BIGSURF Gopher to: gopher.uta.edu then select "Computing" then select "ACS" then select "Microsys" then select "Mac" and finally select "BIGSURF" The Univ. of Texas at Arlington's Academic Computing Services has graciously given BIGSURF a gopher hole to call home! James Stewart of the ACS at UTA has informed me that he has the BIGSURF gopher site up and ready for use. This now allows users of platforms other than the Macintosh to read and utilize the BIGSURF Netguide containing all its info and site listings. BIGSURF is [still] originally published and distributed as a Macintosh specific application (self-launching document) but is now happily offered via gopher to be used by Internet enthusiasts the world over. Need I say more? Point your gopher client to this URL and burrow on over. My personal thanks to Mr. Stewart and the Internet community for making BIGSURF a successful and informative resource. _______________________________________________________________________ BIGSURF Online (New and Improved WWW site) http://www.capman.com.au/bigsurf/ Rowan Simms at Capability Management has been busy at work providing a fully linked version of BIGSURF to World Wide Web users. You will find this site well laid out and easy to use. My thanks to Rowan and to Capability Management for their efforts in putting BIGSURF on the web in fully site-linked format. Now *this* is surfing boys and girls! Please see the final "Copyright and closing" section of BIGSURF for further information on the services CAPABILITY MANAGEMENT offers and how to contact this forward-thinking and progressive company. ________________________________________________________________________ Alternate WWW site for BIGSURF! http://dipmat.unife.it/Root/d-Internet/t-Bigsurf Josef Eschgfaeller in the Mathematics Dept. (Dipartimento Matematico) at the Universita' di Ferrara, Italy, has graciously put up BIGSURF on the WWW and has donated site space for BIGSURF updates. My personal and humble thanks to Josef for his interest, support, time and effort. This Web version of BIGSURF is not linked but presents an exact copy of BIGSURF in text format available to everyone on the web. This web server is now up and available 24 hours a day. BIGSURF night and day! Josef has also placed a helpful link here to the gopher site at UTA. _________________________________________________________________________ BIGSURF available via FTP FTP to: ftp.hawaii.edu in the --> /mirrors/info-mac/comm/info/ ftp://ftp.hawaii.edu:/mirrors/info-mac/comm/info/ Since BIGSURF versions are continually being updated and re-numbered I suggest using the "dir" command once in the ***/info directory or if you are using a graphical ftp client (such as Fetch) looking in the /info dir for the recent BIGSURF upload. Presently the full path of BIGSURF 3.1 looks like this... ftp.hawaii.edu:/mirrors/info-mac/comm/info/bigsurf-netguide-31.hqx Note: BIGSURF is available on the "home" sumex-aim/info-mac site at Stanford Univ and many info-mac mirrors. My thanks to all the folks involved with the info-mac archives and dedicated mirror sites. My special thanks to the folks at Hawaii who maintain the best (IMHO) info-mac mirror on the planet and who also have a great ftp site being offered to the public for anonymous ftp access. Aloha to all! _________________________________________________________________________ VoiceNet Macshare archives ftp://ftp.voicenet.com/macshare/texts/bigsurf-netguide-31.hqx My "home" ISP (Internet Service Provider) has a wonderful ftp site for Mac users. Try the /macshare directory for other great software. This site always has the most recent Mac self-launching document version of BIGSURF available. My thanks and encouragement to Craig Hillwig who maintains the macshare archive at the VoiceNet ftp site. While you are at VoiceNet stop by the Macshare archives at: ftp://ftp.voicenet.com/macshare FTP to: ftp.voicenet.com in the --> /macshare Please see the Copyright and closing section for more info on VoiceNet _________________________________________________________________________ Here is some great news to put in your cap for future reference. My good friends are busy at work creating what will be the "ultimate" site on the World-Wide Web for Macintosh users. Please take the to read the following information. I'm personally involved with this site and can hardly wait to announce its *official* opening here in the BIGSURF Netguide. HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC Welcome to HyperMac! The newest, hippest and most comprehensive Macintosh site on the Internet. If you are a Macintosh user and are still looking for a place to call home, HyperMac answers that need. We have the WWW version of the world's only newsgroup dedicated to helping the Macintosh/Internet newcomer: alt.sys.mac.newuser-help. We have a group of dedicated individuals, the HyperMac Mentors waiting to answer any questions you might have. We have a comprehensive help section, a massive software library and a whole mess o' links for your exploration enjoyment. HyperMac will be a new home to the online version of The BIGSURF Netguide, Pinochle's internationally lauded Internet surfing guide, with more links than you can shake a stick at... or even two sticks! Be warned: once you enter the pages of BIGSURF, we cannot guarantee you'll ever want to come out again! And that is no exaggeration! And if that isn't enough, try this one on for size! We are thrilled to be the creative force behind the new Mac Home Journal WWW site, as well as the world's first provider of a link to these exciting pages. Forget those "other" MacMagazines! MHJ Brings you the latest and greatest on the Mac scene at a level the new user can both understand and appreciate. If you want to stay up-to-date on the Macintosh scene, and enjoy yourself in the process, come visit MHJ online! =) You can find us, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at: *A URL to be announced in the pages of the next version of BIGSURF* =) Your hosts: Blue Savannah! & Kurt Lieber HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC===HYPERMAC _________________________________________________________________________ Please see the final section entitled "Copyright and Closing messages" for more information on BIGSURF distribution and where it's available. BIGSURF Netguide distribution is growing thanks to many dedicated individuals and companies that are willing to share their talents and resources in providing BIGSURF to the public for *mass consumption* But remember - without *YOU* the reader and viewer - this publication would not be possible. BIGSURF is user supported so PLEASE - send in your donations - it is *highly* appreciated and needed for BIGSURF to continue giving you a unique and vital source of 'net information. *************************************************************************** LET THE TOUR BEGIN! ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ ENJOY BIGSURF! ***************************************************************************